Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reading with Ruby

Story time! Ruby loves this book. Her parents ceased being fans about 100 readings ago, but what can you do.

She is a pretty interactive audience. And there's an unprompted hug in the middle (Something she just started doing. It fills me up, I tell you.)

It's a long one. If you're watching at work, they're paying you too much.


Unknown said...

Awwwww! What a cutie! She has an amazing attention span! It's really great that she likes books so much.

Unknown said...

I am expecting that you will read Oma & Opa this book the next time we see you! How does the cow go?
Love you.

BadassMama said...

Wow! She is adorable! I'm sure the hug is your favorite part. (We have that book too, but right now, Lily's favorite is a book about trucks.)

Unknown said...

Emily, As I continue to watch you and Ruby reading her favorite book, I realize that you are not only a wonderful mother but you have developed another skill, you can read words that are upside down! Pretty good!

Arazaree said...

I was impressed with the reading upside down part too. I LOVED watching this, thanks so much for sharing. She is such a little love!

Jess said...

LOVE how she settles in for the read.