Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mama (mamamama)

She started this week. I know they are just sounds, that she doesn't really mean me, but it just about breaks my heart every time anyway.


Unknown said...

I think Mama is the best first word she could utter and I wouldn't doubt that she really knows just what she is saying!

Unknown said...

I agree totally. It really sounds like she's saying mama!!!
By the way - can you tell her to please stop growing up until I see her? Then she can move on to the next phase. It looks like she's practically ready to walk! Smart baby : ) It's sooo nice that we can follow along through the blog....

BadassMama said...

I agree as well. Lily started saying "mama" around 6 months, typically when she was upset. It seemed as though she was appealing to me, much as Ruby seems to be here. Whether she knows what she is saying or not, she certainly knows who you are in her life. I can't wait to meet her!