Monday, January 19, 2009

8 Months and Change

Dear Ruby,

You are now eight months and 10 days old! We're a little late with this one. We can tell by your confused and hurt expression that this displeases you.

Let us tell you all about you. You are now pulling up, waving, clapping, and pointing. We're trying to get you to wag your finger as you say "nonono", which you've done once. It was completely hilarious while at the same time nicely making a mockery of the word "no". We can't see how this will come back to bite us at all, can you?

Here we have a nice picture of what a friend of ours described as your hippo teeth. You have a new, more bashful tooth coming in on top, off to the side. We don't know if it's a canine, but we're sort of hoping. That way when we call you Fang, it will really mean something.

This is you in the tub. We usually bathe you in the sink because there is nothing cuter than a naked baby in a sink. Unless you put a naked baby in a tub where she can splash and play and demonstrate her new skills.

A la this video (I'm a little loud in this one.):

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You continue to astound and amaze.




Unknown said...

Can't believe she's already 8 months! Her little wave is soooooo cute! I love this's so great to be able to see all her new skills. She looks so happy. : ) Can't wait to see her again in person! Give her a big kiss from me.

Unknown said...

What a sweetheart you are little Ruby. I love the way you wave and clap and splash in the water. Does it taste good? What a happy baby! Hugs and kisses from Oma & Opa.

Arazaree said...

Awwww, Em, I seriously cannot take the cuteness of your daughter! I just want to eat her up!